Facts about the region
The country's smallest county by area outside of Oslo
- Area: 2 167 km²
63 percent is covered by forest
19,5 percent of the total area is agricultural land, the highest in Norway
256 000 inhabitants
4,7 percent of the country’s total population
Third largest population density in Norway
Agriculture creates values worth over one billion kroner every year
The industry in Vestfold is versatile
The fifth largest exporting county
Industries & Products
Food and beverage industries
Computer and electrical equipment industry
Metal goods industry
Oil refining, chemical and pharmaceutical industry
Petroleum products
High-tech industrial products
980 km coastline
Several important ports and ferry connections
International airport with 31 destinations
2 million passengers travel from the airport anually
Vestfoldbanen is the country's busiest regional train line
125 000 people in the workforce
113 000 people works in Vestfold
66 percent in the private sector
33 percent with higher education
One university (Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge)
One international school with two campuses in Tønsberg and Sandefjord
Quality of Life
Housing prices < 55 percent of Oslo in average
Have a yearly net migration and considered among the country's most attractive counties to settle in
Recognized for a plesant climate
A popular holiday destination for Norwegians, preferably during summer months